Tag Archives: exercise

If you’re anything like me and many, many other people, you hate BURPEES.  They are the devil.  A burpee is one of the only exercises that works your entire body: shoulders, legs, abs, arms, back, chest.  Whew!

a nice demonstration of a burpee, greenmamaspad.com

While everyone should master burpees, I thought I would dedicate this post to the many hilarious odes to hating burpees all across the interwebs.

Remember when people started wearing those funny looking “toe shoes” a couple years ago? Well, I was definitely one of those people side-eyeing and staring.  I would say, “What’s wrong with a regular pair of sneakers?” Or even, “Just get a pair of minimalist shoes,” or hell, “Just run barefoot.”  But over time and talking to various Vibram Five Fingers believers, I dropped all of my sarcastic crap and could see the benefits of wearing a shoe that mimicked and enhanced your foot’s natural gait and flexibility as if you were running barefoot.


That still did not translate into me buying a pair until a couple weeks ago.  They were (and are still) on DEEP SALE on one of my favorite shopping web sites.  Since I’ve received them, I’ve worn them for various workouts including some boot camps (circuits, tabata, weights), running (treadmill) and heavier lifting.  The benefits of the shoes were felt the most when doing exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, bear crawls and anything that required stability – I was shocked at how flushed my foot was to the floor and how balanced I was! I could  transition through each part of the exercises with a new found ease, which was all due to how secure the shoe made my entire body feel. With running, my stride felt a bit more natural, but it didn’t feel all that different from when I wear either of my running shoes (Mizuno Wave Creation or Saucony ProGrid Omni).

I’ll still be testing these out over the next few weeks, but I encourage all of you to give them a shot.  You won’t be disappointed!

Tabata.  It really gets you going.  It’s a play on a classic high intensity interval training routine.  Instead of the usual 50 seconds (exercise)-10 seconds (rest), 40 seconds-20 seconds and so on, tabata intervals require you to go hard for 20 seconds and then rest for 10, for a total of four minutes.  This workout combines tabata with strength.  Enjoy!
